H. B. London in Fresno
Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Forum H.B. London Sponsored by the Fresno-Clovis Pastor Clusters and One by One Leadership March 13, 2007 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Cornerstone Conference Center Fulton between E. Stanislaus and Calaveras in Downtown Fresno H.B. London is returning on March 13th at the request of many pastors following a very successful gathering last year. London is a pastor to pastors across the nation, caring for and ministering to pastors who are facing the challenges of a changing world and church life. Last year he spoke to the heart of the pastors and their challenges in ministry; this year he will go deeper into Sustaining Pastoral Excellence. Come join Pastors and pastoral staff members from across the Valley for this outstanding opportunity to learn how to sustain pastoral excellence throughout the year. Keynote Speaker: H.B. London, Jr. H.B. London is the vice president of Ministry Outreach/Pastoral Minist...