STEP UP is a call to Step Up to the plate and hit a home run for God as one of our members told me Sunday.

It is a capital development campaign, but it is much MORE.

It is a time of revival and renewal of our lives, our dreams, and our commitments to Jesus Christ.

STEP UP is an opportunity to pray and seek God for miracles in our church, our community, our personal relationships with God, our ministries, and our own finances as we develop sound principles of personal stewardship.

STEP UP is an opportunity to serve, commit, and give sacrificially.

STEP UP is a bold initiative to clarify our church's VISION, launch a bold strategy, makes some improvements to our facilities, and solidify our financial base so that we can more effectively fulfill our mission in the city.

The following projects will be funded in order of priority through the pledges and gifts of our people and community:

Debt Retirement - $60,000

Bathroom Renovation and Beautification – Amount to be announced

Renovation of the Praise Chapel and Room 16 as funds allow

Development of Reserves for ministry, mission, and operation

What Does STEP UP Stand For?


Seek God to See a vision and Save room for God to work in your life. In Luke 7:11-17, Jesus interrupts a funeral to bring hope and life. May He interrupt us all as we see things the same old way, seek the same old answers and crowd Him out of our lives. "Don't cry," He says as He brings hope and life. SEEK, SEE, and SAVE!

T –
hink differently about God, life, and money and Tune your life anew to the Spirit and God's possibilities. In Luke 7:18-35, Jesus calls us to think differently about values, about greatness, and about how His mission is accomplished in the earth. The movement of His Spirit shatters all preconceived notions and leads us to a new plane of thinking. THINK AND TUNE!

E –
liminate the waste and debt in our lives and
Extend our influence as citizens of God's new Kingdom. In Matthew 11:20-30, Jesus pronounces woes upon those have squandered their opportunities for participation in the Kingdom, but welcomes those who are unlikely candidates for greatness to come into His rest and fulfillment. Life in the Kingdom means we turn our backs on some of our old values and old way and embrace a new adventure of grace. We take on the yoke of Christ and find that His burden is light! Eliminate and Extend.

P –
lan your giving. Plan your life. In Luke 7:36-50 Jesus was anointed by a woman who made great sacrifices to give of who she was and what she possessed to honor Him and bless Him. She gave because of the joy of forgiveness and grace in her heart – and she planned it. What great dream has God planted in your heart that, if it were accomplished, would advance the Kingdom of God? Plan and Plan


U –
nderstand the times and Understand what you must do. In Matthew 12:22-39 and Mark 3:20-30 – What do you do when the Kingdom comes upon you and you experience great deliverance from God? These are times of decision that call for commitment. Understand the times and what must be done.

P –
ut your time, talents, and money where your beliefs are. Commitment Sunday. It is time to act. Put Up or …

Time Line

January 4 and February 1 – Pastor's Bible studies are devoted to "Soup and Seek," applying the scriptures to our mission, vision, and strategy. (Pastor)

January - Team Meetings will be brief reports at the beginning of the services and during Sunday afternoon "Soup and Seek" times. Web site goes online and emails begin (Web Team)

January 6, 13, 20, 27 – Doctrine, By-Laws, and Strategy Study Group meets at 6:00 P.M. – Open to all. (Pastor's 6:30 Bible Study will move to 6:45 P.M. for those weeks).

January 12 – First invitation letter for banquet is mailed to community friends (Materials Support Team)

January 23 and 24Vision Retreat at the home of Tom and Andrea Sims – 12638 Cumorah Drive, Clovis, 93619 – Take Shaw past Wild Water Adventures. Take the last left before Academy (Greewood). Turn right on Cumorah. Turn left into the second driveway. Outcome: Mission, Vision, and Core Values Statements, Bylaws, Statement of Beliefs, and Basic Strategy Plan for 2020. (Pastor & All)

January 25 – First Vision Report and STEP UP goals to the church. (Pastor)

February 4 - Vision Report and STEP goals adopted. (Pastor) Church starts to see artwork, decorations, reminders, logos, posters, and other thematic reminders of STEP UP ( Themes Team) .

February 6-8 – Weekend of Prayer & Fasting and Campaign Kick-Off rally. (All)

February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 – STEP UP mailings, including letters, devotionals, and other materials. (Materials Support Team & Commitment and Follow Up Team).

February 9 14 – STEP UP visits in homes to (1) enlist prayer, ask for prayer requests, and pray with the families of our church, (2) enlist their participation, (3) explain the Vision of the church and the goals of STEP UP, (4) enlist them in prayer/study groups. (Visitation Team). Small Groups are formed or identified (if already meeting) to pray weekly in person or by phone for STEP UP and for each other (Prayer and Small Group Team)

February 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, and 22 – The SIX Sundays of STEP UP (a different letter for each.) Testimonies in the services (Testimonies Team), Small groups meet during the week. Weekly emails of encouragement are sent.

March 22 – Dinner or Luncheon STEP UP Banquet and possibly, fund raiser with entertainment and inspiration. (Banquet and Program Team) It is also Commitment Sunday. Follow up begins. (Commitment and Follow Up Team)

March 29Palm Sunday – We celebrate the results, worship the Lord, and plan for a High Attendance Day on Easter, April 5 & second BIG DAY April 12.


Each team has its own goals, tasks, and dates. Each will be given a set of specific instructions.

  1. Staff and Existing Leadership – Develop a budget and set of goals for the campaign to be adopted by the church and lead the church to adopt a 2020 vision (Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Purpose Statements, Core Values, By Laws, and a 10-11 year Strategy Plan,)
  2. Visitation Team - 4 Teams to visit, pray with, and encourage each family in the church.
  3. Prayer and Small Groups Team – Organize, train, and equip groups to pray during STEP UP
  4. Themes Team (the only team that rhymes) – Design and decorate the church and help create a logo for the campaign.
  5. Materials Team– Help us get it all together, fold, stuff, address, copy, cut, sort.
  6. Testimonies Team – Bring people to the platform who can testify to God's faithfulness and the joy of participating in His work.
  7. Web Team – Develop and implement a website and email strategy for the campaign.
  8. Commitment and Follow-Up Team – Oversee this key part of the campaign process. Lead the church through the times of commitment and follow up process.
  9. Banquet and Program Team – Arrange a great culminating event with food, entertainment, and inspiration on or around Commitment Sunday.

People are excited and have started signing up for teams.

Which team (s) excites you enough to want to join and/or help lead it in its mission?

It will take God working through all of us and praying diligently to accomplish all God has in store.

We want to include our church partners in this process and in the teams leadership (Hmong Baptist Church and Iglesia Nueva Vida) to whatever extent they are willing.



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