Monday, February 2 -"(2 Sam 22:37 ) Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; so that my feet did not slip.." - God has given you enough room to walk wherever He wants you to go. While it may seem that the circumstances of your life are overly restrictive and crippling for your ministry, the Lord who has called you knows what you need in order to fulfill your calling. Trust in Him.

Tuesday, February 3 - "(Job 14:16 ) For now thou numberest my steps: dost thou not watch over my sin?" - Even in His sorrow and pain, Job understood that he had not escaped God's attention. He is paying attention to you as well. Sometimes we think that God is sleeping or unaware of our struggles. He is not. He is watching over you always. When you step up and when you fall back, His eye is on you. He has you in focus.

Wednesday, February 4 - "(Job 31:4 ) Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?" - God is counting your steps. He knows how far you need to go and how far you can go. He knows when you will need for Him to provide an oasis. He knows when you need encouragement. He is watching you, equipping you, and providing for you. He not only knows your present circumstances, but He has scouted out the path ahead of you. Trust in the Lord.

Thursday, February 5 - ."(Psa 18:36 ) Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip." We read these words Monday from a different text. You will not lose your footing if you walk where God leads you. The way may seem precariously narrow and treacherous, but God is with you and has mapped out the course that He is leading you to follow. So, follow it.

Friday, February 6 - "(Psa 37:23 ) The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way." God's people can be assured that they are never abandoned to guess about how and where to walk in their obedience to Christ. There is an abundance of guidance to lead us along the way. Even if we feel that we have not heard from God in a long time, we need only to open the scriptures to find enough divine leadership to last a lifetime if we will but follow it. When we do, we find ourselves in a place of great delight!

Saturday, February 7 - "(Psa 37:31 ) The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide." - When, and to the extent that God's Word is embedded in your heart and assimilated into your life, your steps remain steady. You do not fall. To the extent that we insist on our own way, we are prone to slippage. We may have trouble when we are in the will of God. He may lead us into a valley of failure in order to tain and educate us, but He will never lead us into utter devastation.

Sunday, February 8
- "(Psa 44:18 ) Our heart is not turned back, neither have our steps declined from thy way;" May we come to the end of the day and the end of our lives with this prayer of testimony, that we have followed where God has led and delighted in doing so. Amen.




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