What are we trying to do with 2020 and with STEP UP?

Review of both processes

Review of Pressing Needs

Introduction of Financial Peace University

Why the Vision Thing?


Vision Question: "If God placed a dream deep inside you and that dream became a reality, would the world become a better place?" - Erwin Raphael McManus


For 2020 VISION:

13% 87%


REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS NEAR. - So what are we about if it is not to call people to life change under God's new big deal?


Two Big Dates: 2020 in just 11 years + 1 month & Age 55 (AARP and Hometown Buffet next year)


We must develop a positive and bold strategy to proclaim good news of God's Kingdom and call people to life change.

God has placed us …

Inner city

    New generation

        A strange pastor

            Worldwide turmoil

                Concern for the poor

                    ADD church

                        Multiple Everything!


Plant Churches Where We Are – Cultural/Language – Cyber – Age


FOCUS Groups that Reflect Our Values and Corporate Culture

The Young

The Poor

The Broken

The Dreamers


CORE Calling: The Great Commandment (Our Ethical Calling), The Great Commission (Our Doctrinal Calling), The Spirit Upon Us (Our Missional Calling).


We need

  1. A Mission Statement:

    To call people to life change and participation in God's Kingdom through the message of Good News in Jesus Christ


  1. A Statement of Core Values:
  • We value people: The Fellowship of Joy is a friendly and welcoming community of faith
  • We value the Word of God: The Fellowship of Joy seeks to present Bible truths in a clear, practical, and interesting manner.
  • We value human dignity and freedom as well as Biblical morality: The Fellowship of Joy is a church that is accepting and non-judgmental without compromising on crucial moral issues or spiritual truth.
  • We value grace: The Fellowship of Joy is joyful and fun in its practice of spiritual growth and ministry in an atmosphere of grace.
  • We value relationships: The Fellowship of Joy is a community where people find deep and fulfilling friendships.
  • We value our heritage: The Fellowship of Joy at Baptist Temple is a Baptist church and is committed to the priesthood of the believer, the autonomy of the local church, and partnership with other churches in the cause of worldwide missions.
  • We value the Mission of God in our own city and around the world: The Fellowship of Joy is "missional" and engaged in the life of the community as an agent of God's transformation with a spirit of excitement and action.


  1. Deep Beliefs:
  • We believe in the Triune God – Father Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the authority and reliability of the Bible.
  • We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived, lived a holy life, called men and women to repentance, died for our sins, arose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, sent the gift of the Holy Spirit to baptize and fill believers, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and is coming again to judge the living and the dead and reign forever.
  • We believe that human beings were made in God's image, have fallen due to sin, need a Savior, and must individually receive the free gift of God's grace and mercy in Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of their lives in order to be saved and inherit eternal life.
  • We believe that the kingdom of God is both present and future and is the reign of Jesus Christ in the lives of people, in the church, and in the world.
  • We believe that the local church is an autonomous body of believers in Jesus Christ who gather to worship, serve, proclaim the Kingdom message, and fellowship with each other, that the two ordinances of the church are believer's baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper, and that every member of the body is a priest before God, called into covenant with the other members, and called and gifted for ministry. The leaders and equippers of the ministers are called pastors.
  • We believe that Christians are called to live by biblical standards of morality and ethics and that it is the role of the local church to teach godly principles, aid in spiritual growth, and provide accountability relationships for its members.
  • We believe that the local church and its members are part of a larger, universal body of believers comprising all who have ever followed Jesus and that it must cooperate with other Christians of like mind and purpose in the mission of God in the world.


  1. Vision/Dream for 2020


Describe the community and the world today:


What is the role of our church in the community and the world today?


What would we like to see our community, city, nation, world look like in 2015? 2020?


Community        City        Nation        World


What will be our role in that transformation?


  1. Goals


Overall Goals:


Goal Categories:


Specific Goals


What are our goals for our facilities, organization, ministries, and programs to achieve these goals?


Strategies – Action Plans:


(6) A Strategy to Get There.


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